Soon you’ll be the go-to expert in your industry. Because people will trust and recognise your voice like they’re the hobbits and you’re Gandalf the Grey.
How do I know this?
Because you’re here. Which means you understand the value of white papers in marketing. And you’re willing to put in the work to ensure your expertise is known far and wide. Let’s make it happen!
Here are 7 white paper examples hand-picked for their research, copywriting and design. Use them to inspire your greatest content yet.
1. Corgan - design and the pandemic
Why we love it: a poignant topic paired with stunning visuals and compelling copywriting makes Corgan’s white paper highly shareable.
Corgan, a leading architecture and design firm, has picked a trending topic for its white paper which will be on most designers' minds - how the pandemic will change and inform design. This will have helped it garner attention in the industry while also appealing to search engines.
Meanwhile, the white paper design is just, *chef kiss*. I’ll let the cover speak for itself …

Source: Corgan
If you can pull your eyes away from these gorgeous visuals, you’ll also find creative headlines that echo Corgan’s use of emotive storytelling throughout this white paper example. Compelling copy makes the heavy topic engaging, creating a memorable experience where the information sticks.

Source: Corgan
2. Siemens - better food and beverage manufacturing
Why we love it: Siemens leverages well-researched case studies to back up its points and inject its white paper with oodles of credibility.
This white paper example from Siemens aims to help food and beverage manufacturers improve their production to address various market niches.
It uses case studies to explain how digital technologies drive cost-efficiency while delivering deeper beverage customisation. Each case study helps Siemens back up its different points, boosting the white paper’s credibility.

Source: Siemens
Siemens also uses consistent colours for its white paper design which match its brand, driving awareness.
While the use of diagrams to explain different production methods helps the reader visualise and understand them better, appealing to spatial learners.

Source: Siemens
3. TietoEVRY - Big Data for banks
Why we love it: TietoEVRY’s whitepaper simplifies the ever-trending topic of Big Data, making it accessible to marketing managers in the banking industry.
You can tell TietoEvry has conducted thorough audience research through the white paper’s structure, presentation and tone. For one thing, it favours marketing jargon over technical jargon to connect with its audience.
A clear format for each chapter - what, why and how - also appeals to marketers who often use this structure in their own work. And using examples from established brands to communicate ideas and solutions makes them more accessible.

Source: TietoEVRY
Readability further extends to the white paper’s design. TietoEVRY uses white space to avoid overwhelming the reader with information. Bold headings, colour-coded chapters and minimalist illustrations keep the reader on the page.

Source: TietoEVRY
4. SixDegrees - agile workspaces
Why we love it: SixDegrees shows how white papers can lead to sales even when the primary goal is to educate.
By educating readers on the importance of agile workspaces, SixDegrees indirectly advertises its products and services as a cloud-led managed service provider in this white paper example.
A smart move. Readers will likely come away thinking, ‘We need better agile solutions for our offices. Since SixDegrees is an expert on this subject, we can trust it to deliver’.
SixDegrees’ white paper design emphasises this point further, using the colour blue throughout to highlight the brand as trustworthy and reliable.

Source: SixDegrees
And the use of statistics from reputable sources such as Gartner, Deloitte and PWC boosts SixDegrees’ credibility even further. Elevate this by getting your research from scholarly articles, government publications and trade journals. And don’t forget to include a reference!

Source: SixDegrees
5. Porsche Consulting - sustainability and sports cars
Why we love it: Porsche Consulting delivers a thought-provoking white paper on sustainability that carefully addresses and resolves readers’ concerns through emotive content.
Porsche Consulting, a subsidiary of the renowned sports car manufacturer, aims to educate business owners on what it means to be truly sustainable in this white paper example.
It starts by acknowledging how many business owners feel caught between conflicting moral and performance-based priorities. It then summarises a solution to this problem, telling readers what they will gain from reading this white paper.

Source: Porsche Consulting
This emphatic and authoritative tone is used throughout, keeping the content engaging and trustworthy. While the white paper structure plays out like a step-by-step guide, making it easy to follow.
Porsche Consulting ties up its narrative with an informative conclusion, supporting the reader rather than pushing them into a sale (take notes!).
While a summary in brief poses important questions the reader can bring to the boardroom to ignite change. LOVE!

Source: Porsche Consulting
6. Adfenix - digital marketing for real estate
Why we love it: Adfenix whets our appetite for its white paper with stunning visuals and easy-to-digest information.
Pizza is the first word that comes to mind when looking at Adfenix’s white paper cover. It’s fun, relevant and bold making us hungry for more.

Source: Adfenix
Adfenix then fills our appetite with pages dedicated to stunning photography, giving us timely breaks from pages of text.
But the star of this white paper example is Adfenix’s use of case studies that demonstrate how real estate firms are maximising profit via a digital-first approach.
It uses a bar chart to score each case study for different elements - a digital-first approach, demand generation and the customer journey. One glance is all it takes to judge each business. This is essential for readability when you’ve got over fifty case studies to cover!

Source: Adfenix
7. Founders Intelligence - accelerating diversity
Why we love it: Founders Intelligence delivers an exemplary structure to follow which is further boosted by strong visuals.
If there’s one white paper structure to rule them all, it’s this one on accelerating diversity by Founders Intelligence. It includes a compelling foreword and an executive summary to set the tone. Then the white paper introduces the problem, briefly covering a solution which it goes on to explain in detail.
The solution is spread over three chapters. Each chapter has an eye-catching cover followed by a snapshot of the problem it discusses grabbing the reader’s attention. Quotes from thought leaders are also used to similar effect.

Source: Founders Intelligence
This white paper example closes with a solid conclusion tying up its three chapters into a tight summary. This is followed by a call-to-action - get in touch to keep the conversation going. One to borrow if you aim to push readers further into the buyer journey.
Learn more about white papers in marketing
Bet you’re feeling pretty savvy when it comes to white papers now, huh?
But do you know how to incorporate white papers into your marketing strategy? Discover how to do this effectively in our next article so you can attract the right readers and meet your marketing goals.
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